AMP up
your rights
Capital market law,
investor damages cases
The capital market is the blood in the veins of the market economy. However, the capital markets are complex and volatile. And where high volumes are traded, there is an increased risk for significant losses. Therefore, highly-specialized professional advice and representation in case of losses is paramount..
We represent aggrieved clients, both private individuals and professional as well as institutional investors, in civil and criminal proceedings relating to capital market law issues:
- breaches of duty in investment advice and asset management
- losses with unit-linked life insurance policies
- products of the grey capital market, private equity investments, alternative investments
- prospectus liability
- share price and market manipulation
- damages due to and recovery of kickbacks (retrocessions)
- ponzy schemes, financial investment fraud.
Competition law, consumer protection
- misleading, deceptive and/or aggressive business practices
- abusive, grossly disadvantageous and/or intransparent general terms and conditions
- pyramid and snowball schemes
- hard core cartels such as price fixing agreements, exploitation of dominant market positions and other market manipulations